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Think of this the next time you're waiting in a long line!

Writer's picture: VictoriaVictoria

Even though being in this place was really special for me because I'm a big fan of Elvis Presley (thanks to my mom who is a bigger fan than I am), there was a moment where I made the "CLICK" with my professional career as a tourismologist. I remember it perfectly and I thought it was really nice. Those that know me know that I love tourism and my career since the beginning. But here, in Graceland, something usual in touristic places happened and especially during high-peek season. You probably already know what it is...

When we arrived to Graceland, we picked up our entrances and the first stop was a room were an introductory video about Elvis and Graceland was showed to the group (around 15 to 20 people). As soon as it finished, everyone hurried to the exit door that would get us to the next stop but to our surprise, it was a hugeeeee line! Everyone had to do it to go on a bus that would take us to the house. But first, we smiled for the pictures they sell you later on (it helped kill some time but not enough).


An hour passed and we were half way in the line, that's when my dad said "the bus is taking soo long, this wait is annoying!". I had just finished my 3rd year studying tourism and I took a Heritage Management class that year. That was a clear example of what I had learned in that class. I said to my dad "Yeah, it's annoying but I don't mind it because they are doing a great job!". He looked at me not understanding what I meant so I explained:

If they took us all at the same time we wouldn't fit in the house. Even though it's a mansion, it has a maximum capacity. They take us by groups and every often to maintain and protect the house (the heritage). but also so we have a better experience. If everyone in this huge line was in the house, cram in there, we would not enjoy the tour.


Yeah, waiting in line sucks but, at the end, it's best for everyone. Hope you think of the importance of the line next time you're visiting a place and make it less sucky haha!

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